Babies as Pasties, New Fashion Trend?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I understand that this may be beyond the comfort level for discussion, but I have to go there.

First, a story.

I was out in public last night. Public, remember this fact. There was a woman sitting on a bench in full public view. She had a young infant with her who was obviously hungry. She proceeded to, how do I say this? Okay fine, out with it. She cranked up her shirt, pulled up her bra on one side, and plugged the kid on. She did not attempt cover up with a blanket. Hell, she didn't even put the baby's head under her shirt. Truthfully I found myself a little ooged out. What I want to know is, am I being an unreasonable prude here?

So a couple things. First, I understand that babies need to eat. I also understand that babies need to eat in public. Thus the whole cover-that-with a blanket theory. I have zero complaints with that methodology. I know some people would tell me that nursing is a beautiful expression of blah blah blah blah. I'm not arguing with that. But does that mean a free pass for public flashing?

Even with the kid nursing, I could still see plenty more that I was comfortable with. Much more than would be revealed by any low cut shirt. The kid didn't even cover as much as a pasty would in a strip club. Sorry to be so graphic, but them's the facts. Is this considered more socially acceptable because the pasty happens to be a chubby infant as opposed to a sparkly red number with tassels?

So feel free to tell me, am I being totally unreasonable here?



Heather said...

I HATE public breast feeders! I don't even like the blanket theory. If the baby needs a boob while you're out in public, go out to the car...end of story.