Does Anyone Really Enjoy V-8? No, Really.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Okay, I know this is completely random, and it is my second post in one day, but I am compelled to ask a question.

Who enjoys drinking V-8 juice? Really. Right now I have an itty bitty can of it sitting on my desk, half a sip of which was consumed and spat back promptly into the can. I was at my desk when I took a sip, decided I couldn't handle the texture (another quirk for you), and then realized I had nowhere to dispose of it except back into the can. I have plans to dump it out, but I'm embarrassed to do it in front of my co-workers. I shall wait until they leave then slink over to the sink and with shifty eyes and a sheepish expression send it down the drain.

I know what you are thinking. At least I think I know what you are thinking. "If you hate it so much, why did you open the can?" Well...yesterday as I went to collect a diet Pepsi from the communal fridge downstairs I saw a slim young woman shaking a can of V-8. I thought, "I want to be slim. Maybe I should try to drink my veggies too. I'll grab a can tomorrow." And so I did. I took my chilled prize back to my desk and opened it. It smelled like canned tomato soup (which I also hate). I should have taken this as a sign, but I did not. I took my half a sip and *sploot* right back out it came.

It tasted like ketchup. Without salt. Like someone had just chewed a large stalk of celery and spit in it. And it was cold. And thin. It tasted like ghastly cheap celery-spit ketchup that had been mixed with a good bit of street slush to chill it. At least, this is the conclusion that my brain arrived at once it received the frantic SOS signals from my taste buds. "Abort! Abort! Close down the seals! Initialize back flow pump!" Something like that.

So, my apologies to V-8, but you have just officially made my list of detestable foods. I hope you Spaghettios, and candy corn will all be the best of friends.



Heather said...

I LOVE V-8, candy corn, AND spaghettios!!! Be glad you missed out on my candy corn phase while I was studying for the LSAT...I bought a pound every 3 days for 3 straight weeks; it was my crack, and it made me very happy. And it still does. You're missing out.

Cyndi said...

I have often though as much. That I was missing out, that is. Which is why I eat a piece of candy corn every year. Everyone always seems to be enjoying them so much, so I every year think I must be wrong about them and maybe this year is the year I will like them. But alas, I never do. But please feel free to admonish me of the virtues of V8.