It's New Years, and I'm fat...again.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2007 was a big year for me, in more ways than one. Shall I review? I must.

1. Cyndi gets laid off. (Gets depressed, eats chocolate cake. Yes, a whole chocolate cake)
2. Cyndi moves from Utah to Colorado. (Feels lonely in a new town, discovers local German restaurant, and later, a new tummy roll).
3. Cyndi moves from Colorado back to Utah. (Eats mass quantities of fast food to avoid stocking a new pantry in a new apartment)
4. Cyndi gets a new job. (Feels the need to celebrate. With food. Lots of food.)
5. Cyndi gets married (Celebrates again. With exotic cheeses and fig spreads. And fudge. Hey. It was a wedding. I was entitled. Don't judge me.)
6. Cyndi celebrates her first Halloween with the boys. (Buys 20 pounds of Halloween candy, 5 pounds of which make it to the trick or treat bucket. 15 pounds makes its way to Cyndi's rear end and thighs.)
7. Cyndi celebrates her first Thanksgiving with children. (Okay, so the boys weren't actually there for Thanksgiving dinner, but should that stop her from making a turkey and all the fixings? She doesn't think so.)
8. Cyndi celebrates her first Christmas with children. (Cyndi bakes Christmas cookies with the boys and eats a dozen or so. She also feels bad that the boys missed out on Thanksgiving dinner. So she makes a turkey. Again.)

Needless to say, like every other woman in the world, yesterday I made a resolution to eat nothing but water and crackers until July the 4th. I promptly solemnized this pact with a handful of Junior Mints. Cyndi, the veritable epitome of willpower.

Seriously though, I am doing a round of Power 90, the miraculous program on which I lost 30 pounds once (before all the celebratory binging). Here's hoping it works for me again. I figure by making myself accountable here, I have a decent shot at pulling it off. So it's official. I want to lose 30 pounds by April. There's no way in hell I'm posting before pictures, but hopefully there will be some nice afters in a few months.

Wish me luck! Never mind. Wish me a smaller butt.


PS. As soon as I get the right cabely thing, I intend to upload some pictures of me and the boys and various other fun ephemera. Don't hold your breath. But it could happen soon.


Anna Pickard said...

What is power 90, please? I think I need me some of that.

Cyndi said...

Hi Anna! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I stopped by yours as well. It looks like we have some food tastes in common.;) I left a comment for you with the Power 90 URL. Stop by and chat any time!