Random Happenings

Friday, February 22, 2008

Oy. I suck. I am so not good at this posting thing. I'm just too easily distracted. And lazy. And boring. No matter.

So the score card for this week: Worked out 4 of 4 days. I haven't done so well on the eating, but I've made a point to work out twice as hard the day after I've had a not so healthy din din. I swear I can be perfect all day, but when it comes to dinner, the cravings kick in like mad. I have come to the conclusion that it is just not realistic for me to do the healthy eating organic thing 6 days a week for the rest of my life. I have to be able to work on my favorite foods or I won't stick to it. And if I don't stick to it, then I'll eventually be right back where I was no matter how skinny I get. So eat I shall, and like it I will. So there.

So in other news...
Last Saturday we saw Jake perform in a ballroom dance competition. He did amazingly well and even won a silver ribbon. The boy can even move his hips! This is not an altogether common thing for men. Typically the white man dance involves alot of arm shaking and stepping from side to side. Not Mr. Jake though. He's going to be quite the lady killer, I know it already.

I saw two movies that I absolutely loved and they couldn't be more different. The first: Rocky Balboa. No, I'm not kidding. Okay, you can stop laughing now. Really, knock it off. I myself have been a long time mocker of Sly Stallone. I mean the guy was born in the US and he still seems to have trouble with the English language. Not to mention the lip thing. Anyhoo, despite the fact that the script writer managed to work the words "Hey yo" into the movie about 785 times, I actually found it moving. At one point Rocky gives a soliloquy to his neo-yuppie weenie son. The whole point of his rant is that life is not about how many crippling hits you can doll out, it's about how many crippling hits you can absorb and still keep standing up. It struck a chord. Believe me, no one was more surprised than me. I was expecting ample fodder for a snark-filled blog post. I feel cheated.

The other movie was Moliere. It's a french film (with subtitles) and is all about the French playwright Moliere. It is one of those rare finds that is beautifully filmed, perfectly acted, deliciously hilarious, and achingly tragic. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. From Rocky to Moliere. I am a weirdo, aren't I?

What else is going on? Well Gilbert is still crapping freely upon the floor. The sweaty grunting dudes still fight me for space at the gym. I'm blissfully happy with my man. And that's about all in my boring little life.
