The Willful Cowlick

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Naturally, I have coarse brown hair. It's been this way since I was a kid. My regular routine of bleaching, blow-drying, flat-ironing, etc. seems to have little or no effect on the texture. Simply and stubbornly, it is what it is. Most the time it cooperates, though over the years it has informed me in no uncertain terms that it will not stand for any foofy type of up-do. Due to an unfortunate accident of genetics resulting in ears that jut away from my head at a roughly 80 degree angle, I'm okay with the no updo thing. Though I have oft suspected that allowing my ears out of their padded hair prison would give me special sonar powers. Or at least the ability to hear dog whistles.

But for the most part, I don't mind terribly. That is except when new hairs grow in exactly where my hair parts. You may not know this, but coarse hair grows vertically until passes the 3 inch mark. Only then does it consider laying down. When my hair grows, I am rewarded with a plethora of defiant brown (sometimes gray- eek!) spikes that shoot from the top of my head like so many bamboo shoots. And they will. not. lay. down.

I've tried every type of "product" known to man (or woman). Sprays, gels, waxes, pomades. Nothing works for more than 30 seconds. Goop on, plaster it down, and DOING! Back up it springs, only perhaps a little shinier, straighter, stiffer, etc. Short of scraping engine grease from a carburetor (somehow I thought this would only create a different issue), I've done everything I could think of.

Why not pluck them? - you ask. Ahh! If it were only that simple. It would seem that plucking one only creates room for the hair next door, who previously lay down for whatever reason, to stand tall and find its place in the sun. Or florescent bathroom lights, as the case may be.

They also catch the light of any given room fabulously, and often people talking to me will take a quick glance at the top of my head. "Yes," I say, "I know they're there. But could you pretend you don't see them? Recognition only serves to swell their egos." At which point said person usually walks away.

Not that I blame them.



Angie Wilson said...

Aaah! are hilarious! If I am ever in need of a brilliantly talented writer, I know who I'm going to contact...

Heather said...

I hate those little buggers! You're right; they respond to nothing!

Rob said...

the trick is intimidation. you have to let them know you aren't afraid to shave your head if necessary.

Anonymous said...

I too pretend they just are not there. Amen, don't feed the ego.. .. and might I add, I must compliment you on your witty name as well....are you in recruiting as well?