Can you guess what's next?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The pieces of the puzzle are as follows:

A. Items on Cyndi's desk.
-One Letter of Agency
-One Service Order Agreement
-One styrofoam cup containing paperclips
-One styrofoam cup containing Coke and ice

B. Task at hand
-Letter of agency must be signed, faxed, paper-clipped to Service Order Agreement, and filed.

So have you guessed what happens next?

If you guessed, "Cyndi shoves her hand in the styrofoam cup of coke looking for a paperclip and is so shocked that she jerks it out and tips the cup over, ruining the documents...You are CORRECT!

You win a cookie. It's in my purse. Feel free to drop by and grab it. But you may have to fight me for it. Fair warning has been given.



Heather said...

It is such a good thing that you didn't marry someone like Chris. Two clutzes in one house would be a disaster!