Things I Will Do Soon

Friday, March 14, 2008

1. Post pictures from my first belly dancing performance this year. (Please note: I have to balance a basket on my head for one of the dances. If you've never seen someone whose face is simultaneously saying 'please don't let me drop this thing, oh no, it's slipping, it's SLIPPING!' and "Must smile, must smile! Crap! Face...twitching! Must...look normal with...twitchy face!', then you are in for a real treat. Yeah, I'm cool : )

2. Start a Flickr account or some such nonsense so I can post a slide show of my beautiful and talented boys on my blog.

3. Not eat the rest of the boxes of Girl Scout cookies ordered. I was indescribably proud of myself. I ordered...uh sixish boxes (don't judge me) from one of the daughters of my troupe members. And you want to know what I did? I brought three boxes to work and put them out on my desk for passers-by to nosh on. That's three boxes of cookies that have no chance, NO CHANCE of making their way to my backside. WOOT!

4. Give my snotty car it's friggin oil change. Yesterday the "Engine Oil Change Soon" turned into "Engine Oil Required" on the nag display. My car thinks I'm a moron I'm telling you. So much for polite suggestions. If that car were really as smart as it pretends to be, it would display "Engine Oil Change Soon" with a little box next to it sans check mark. Empty boxes cause my OC side to kick into overdrive. I'd prolly mow down an old lady and take out a couple street signs in my fury to get to the Quicky-Lube.



D and C said...

You are amazing, I SOOOO would not have been able to pass up Girl Scout cookies...which explains the size of my arse!!!! LOV EYOU!