Suggest a Topic

Friday, June 27, 2008

I know I don't write that often, but sometimes I really can't think of anything to say. And of course there is always the pressure to live up to my blog's name. I'm inconsistent, and I own it. But, I do occasionally receive complaints that I need to post more often. So I've decided to be all tricky like and put the pressure back on you all.

Suggest a topic. Any topic. Several topics. Suggest a topic and I will write about it. I will dutifully compile a list and write them, one by one. With great care and all the wittiness I can muster. Even if just a title, such as "Cyndi vs. The Hot Dog Bun" or "Cyndi vs the Belligerent Goat." Email me. Call me. Leave a comment. Send a text. Whatever.

It would be great exercise for me. And I needs my exercise.

So come on people. Help a sister out. What should I write about?



Heather said...

What about favorite outfits best friends have requested you wear in the past? Love you!