From the Mind of Matty

Monday, June 23, 2008

Sunday morning, roughly 11am. Cyndi is making breakfast at the stove. Matty, having already eaten, heads for the door.

Matty: I'm going to see if my friends can play.
Cyndi: Okay, but before you can go out, I need you to brush those fangs of yours.
Matty: So you mean I can't go outside till I brush my teeth?
Cyndi: That's correct.
Matty sits down at the table, begins to remove his shoes.
Cyndi: I thought you were going to go play.
Matty: I was. But I don't want to go THAT bad.


Heather said...

Why is it that kids that age avoid brushing their teeth like the plague? Is it really THAT big of a deal? "From the mouth of babes . . . " I love it!