50 Questions

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Many thanks to Heather, who by sending me this meme spared me from having to come up with anything too clever to write about today.

1. Do you like blue cheese? I laaaahv it.
> 2. Have you ever smoked heroin? No suh.
> 3. Do you own a gun? Yes. It shoots marshmallows. Fear me.
> 4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Chili cheese fry- oh wait, they refused to put that flavor into a drink. Jerks.
> 5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yep.
> 6. What do you think of hot dogs? They tend to be rather full of themselves.
> 7. Favorite Christmas movie? Gotta go with the classic. A Christmas Story. I can't get up Ralphie!
> 8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Anything that will keep me from biting people who ask me questions (oddly they discourage this where I work). This usually means a caffeinated beverage of some sort.
> 9. Can you do pushups? Hmm. Pushups? Is this some sort of ice cream pop? If so, I could definitely do many.
> 10. Age? Too close to 30 for comfort.
> 11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Bling is bling baby. I like it all.
> 12. Favorite hobby? Cooking or writing. I also read a great deal, but have the feeling this isn't really a hobby. This is something sad pathetic people claim as a hobby. People like me!
> 13. Favorite Actor? Anthony Hopkins
> 14. Do you have A.D.D.? Let me think. Hey! Let's ride bikes!

> 15. What's one trait you hate about yourself? My shyness

> 16. Middle name? Lynn

> 17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? My coat itches but I'm too cold to take it off. I need to go water my boss's plants. The sleeves on this shirt are actually long enough for my monkey arms. Exciting peek into my brain, ain't it?
> 18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday/today: Baseball pants for Chris. That's about it.
> 19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Milk, Diet Pepsi with lime, water
> 20. Current worries? Staying awake during the upcoming garnishment meeting I get to take notes for. Whoopee!
> 21. Current hate right now? Utah spring weather. Bitter cold winds one day, 80 degrees the next. Ptooey I say. Ptooey.
> 22. Favorite place to be? At home on the couch in my comfy pants.

> 23. How did you bring in the New Year? I can't really remember, so it must have been fun. ; )
> 24. Where would you like to go? Everywhere. I hear the weather is nice this time of year.
> 25. Name three people who will complete this: Me, Myself, I.

> 26. Do you own slippers? Yes. Big pink ones that look like dinosaur feet. Complete with talons. Rawr!

> 27. What shirt are you wearing? A black camisole under a sheer black button up shirt.
> 28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Too slippery. Less coordinated people like me don't need any further help flopping off a raised surface while unconscious.
> 29. Can you whistle? Reports show that previous attempts at this suggested activity have been heretofore unsuccessful.
> 30. Favorite color? I love em all.
> 31. Would you be a pirate? Yarrr! Aye would be the most piratey pirate yar ever sar!
> 32. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower. I shave my legs in the shower. Hazardous to allocate any available bandwidth to other activities.

> 33. Favorite girl's name? I'm not tellin.

> 34. Favorite boy's name? Buckminster

35. What is in your pocket right now? The little stretchy thing on my badge.
> 36. Last thing that made you laugh? Andy accidentally shaving a big chunk out of his goatee. And not noticing it until I pointed it out at home last night. Hee hee hee.
> 37. Best bed sheets as a child? Rainbow Bright.
> 38. Worst injury you've ever had? I think I covered this topic more than amply in my last post. Perhaps not the worst, but certainly the most prolific.
> 39. Do you love where you live? I love the town house where I live. But I would not be at all disappointed if I woke up and my townhouse had wandered over to Florence, Italy.
> 40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
> 41. Who is your loudest friend? Heather- love you baby!
> 42. How many dogs do you have? 0
> 43. Does someone have a crush on you? If they do, they haven't let me know.

> 44. What is your favorite book? Anything by Janet Evanovich- This was Heather's answer! I have infected her! Bwahahaha!
> 45. Where were you born? Plattsburg, New York.

> 46. What is your favorite candy? Heath

> 47. Favorite Sports Team? Don't really have one.

> 48. What song do you want played at your funeral? Another One Bites the Dust would be fitting. Even better if there were a Queen cover band there to do it.
> 49. What were you doing at 12 A.M.? Sleeping.
> 50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Hmm. Isn't it lovely of Stewie (my cat) to park his furry ass right by my face.


Heather said...

Oh my gosh how I love you!!! I am so honored to be your loudest friend :) You absolutely crack me up. I cannot wait to see you in a couple of weeks! Can we have a moo moo night for old time's sake...please???