On the importance of checking your message twice, and possibly three times before hitting "Send"

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Email from co-worker: 'Cyndi, thank you so much for making the travel reservations for me. I feel so spoiled!'

Cyndi's reply, draft 1: 'You are so welcome! I'm all about soiling people!'

My finger was literally in the downward trajectory to hit "Send" when I caught it.

Cyndi's reply, draft 2. You are so welcome!


I must admit the image of me being all about soiling people did make me giggle briefly.

Hee. And eew. And yikes.



Heather said...

I double and triple check when sending to partners, but if you're a friend and/or "just" an associate, be prepared for some "soiling" on occasion :)

Henry said...

I am the king of electronic miscommunication. Recent highlights have included a "reply vs. forward" faux pas where I, thinking I was forwarding it on to another associate, actually replied to my boss that I had no idea how to do the e-mailed assignment, and would she please help me so I didn't look like a complete idiot (at which point any such hope was obviously too late). Before that, I had another misstep where I discovered just how devastatingly "instant" instant messaging can be. Someone at work was comporting themselves the domineering a-hole (surprise, surprise, in this line of work), so I IM'd a friend about how atrocious and off-putting the behavior was. A couple minutes later, after hearing no response, and sensing from the universe that something was amiss, I went to ask her what she thought. "About what?" she replied. It was then that I realized that, in my angst, I had typed the offending party's name, on my mind, obviously, into, you guessed it, the send line. I tried to play it off like I was being sarcastic/silly, but to this day, things are not right with this other person, thus winning me much more than my fair share of the afore-detested behavior.

I should have a quadruple safety mechanism backup before I send anything out: (1) Are you sure you want to send this message?; (2) Are you really sure?; (3) Are you really, really FREAKING sure???; (4) Okay, now seriously, run spell check and read through it at least three more times, paying extra close attention to the address in the send line. Only then will this message be sent from this computer.

Good to know I'm not alone, even if you did catch yourself at the last second. The mere possibility of you sending such a message made me laugh out loud in that way that only you can. Thanks for (finally) writing again.

Val said...

I'm paranoid at heart so I always check several times to make sure I have written down EXACTLY what I mean. Then I check that I'm sending it to the correct person, then check the body of the message again. It's practically a necessity to check!
