
Friday, September 19, 2008

Wenches and Maties! Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! I will have ye know that I, Surly Cyndi Longshanks, have single-handedly instigated a celebration of this holiday in the Tech department where I be employed as a meeting wench. Here be the invitation I be sending out earlier this week:

Ahoy there!

This be Surly Cyndi Longshanks the Meeting Wench. Killer Kent, Master and Chief of the S.S. SOS Underbelly, have asked me to inform ye that this Friday be International Talk Like Pirate Day. In accordance with the Pirate Code, we be having a luncheon of hearty vittles on Friday this, at high noon, in the 4th flaarr executive baarrd room.

Moreover, we be havin’ a contest to see which matey can invent the best pirate-like name for themself and their position here on the S.S. SOS. The winners shall be richly rewarded with gifts of booty and swag. All ye must do is email yer pirate name to meself, Longshanks the Meeting Wench, by 9 o clock on the marning of Friday. I’ll then be sendin the list around fer the votin. We’ll be announcing the winners o’er our sup of hearty pirate nosh on Friday.

Here be some sample names to tickle yer wee brains:

Burly Bill, Master of the Swaghold

Greenbeard Morrison, Keeper of the Pirate Code

Heartless Hardy, Master Booty Buccaneer

Lynn the Lenient Lamprey, Crew Chief and Plank Sack Master

On Friday, the wearin of eye patches is to be encouraged, as is the talking pirate-like fer the day (unless of carse ye be talkin to a customer or other externally-facin matey. Be a pirate, but don’t be a daft one.)

Killer Kent would be appreciatin yer participation in this crew buildin experience. See ye thar!

And lo! Today there be blokes in pirate-like costumes, shenanigans, tom-foolery and many other things of the like. Not to mention a feast featuring several kinds o' meat on a stick. Tis a pirate's dream! And I be takin credit fer all of it.

I'll post pictures of the festivities for ye soon!

Surly Cyndi Longshanks, Meeting Wench